One of my new themes for this year is gardens and allotments ranging from the more beautifully manicured to the wilder and neglected . I live in a row of old Terraced houses which have a row of back gardens separated by a path that leads to our back gates. Behind all the gardens is an allotment that some of my neighbours have had for over 30 years. There is major new housing development taking place in the area and the allotments are still vulnerable even after a fight to keep them by local people. As its been very cold I have started to make experimental explorations with a range of media of the view of my neighbours garden from my back window. These are some of the outcomes from the past few weeks . I started of tight and then loosed up as time went on.I plan to keep going even venturing into paint,collage and printmaking.
Series One - water based marker pens, colour pencil, fine liner and brush pens
No.1 |
No.2 |
Series 2 - Expressive Ink Experiments
No.2 |
No.3 |
Series 3 - Experiments with Kuretake Japanese watercolours
No.2 |
no.3 |
No.4 |