Here is a selection of my third layer of observations from Anglia Square which I am pretty pleased with. I had a really exciting and productive day. You can see more on my flickr site. I like the looseness and spontaneity. Working onto of previous layers adds to the mood as its enriched by the textured marks underneath.
I focused on the outer edge of the square to start with then later moved into the middle observing people on benches. I have been approached naturally by people interested in what I have been doing which I probably wouldn't experience if I was taking photographs. I have had more attention from passers by here, than I have had while sketching in the main part of the city, especially today !
Stories Of the Day
It would of been great to record the conversations, but they were not too keen on the idea . I did manage to make a few quick notes and remembered parts. I need to think about how I might bring these stories into my work. Maybe writing directly onto the drawings the conversations I hear and witness like Paul Davies illustration below. I did scribble notes quickly on the back of one of my sketches.
I chatted to a man who said he was a cement labourer and helped build the square in the 1960's. He told me his whole life story and that he started work at 6.30 banging away until 8.30 at night. He said this place has been like this for years. The council was destructive and pulled everything down and ruined it. Good luck to them trying to bulldoze it with all the cement under there, it's as hard as rock.

Goodbye "One Stop" Watch repairs and Key cutters
This Is Malcolm at work repairing watches where he has run his own business for 9 Years or so. He is now retiring and is not allowed to sell his business. Previously he worked for Jarrold Printers for thirty Years. I have sketched him working on top of the previous sketch which was the front of his "One Stop" shop. You can still see remnants of the previous sketch revealed underneath. I am so glad I managed to capture him before he moves on. I am sure his craft is a dying trade.
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